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R2Devops 1.2.2 release

I'm sure you can't wait to see what we did in November 📅
Without further ado, check out the progress of R2Devops in this article 👇

Major improvements

New graphical interface for the pipeline generator page

⚠️this feature is currently disabled on R2Devops⚠️

The main improvement of November: You can now display or generate a pipeline, visualize it in a graphical view and display GitLab CI/CD config linter to finally push it to a new commit in GitLab!

Picture of the new graphical interface of pipeline playground

Come and test it for free on your GitLab projects from your R2Devops account 🔥

Minor improvements

  • We now check the GitLab Personnel Access Token expiration date, to warn user about it when it will expire in less than 10 days. If the token is expired, redirect to Account page when trying to access Private Catalog and Import pages.

Gif of the token expiration modale

  • We add an admonition in the import page to explain how the job structure must be, in order to be imported into R2Devops.

Picture of the admonition un the import job page

  • Add a Changelog tab in the job page to visualize it 👇

Gif of the new Changelog tab in the job page

  • Improve import reports design and implement version file reporting.

Job’ updates