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12 posts tagged with "CI/CD"

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Top 5 Software Supply Chain Security Incidents

· 7 min read

Top 5 Software Supply Chain Security Incidents

CI/CD (Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment) pipelines have revolutionized software development, enabling rapid code integration, testing, and deployment. However, their growing complexity and reliance on automated processes have also introduced significant cybersecurity risks within the scope of the software supply chain. Below, we examine five of the highest-profile cybersecurity incidents involving CI/CD pipelines in the IT industry, highlighting the vulnerabilities and lessons learned.

GitProtect - GitLab Backup Best Practices

· 10 min read

GitProtect logo

Security, availability, solidity - that’s what comes to mind when somebody mentions GitLab. This Git hosting service is one of the most trustworthy when it comes to security. Thus, no surprise that more than 30M developers worldwide have already chosen to build their source code on GitLab.

However, what if your data is still at risk regardless of all the security measures the service provider has? Yeap… that’s true. And the best way to have peace of mind that your GitLab source code and metadata information remain safe and available in any event of failure is backup.

Never reinvent the wheel again in your CI/CD

· 3 min read
Aurélien Coget
CEO & Co-Founder of R2Devops


Tired of reinventing the wheel every time you start a new project? R2Devops not only puts an end to this tiresome cycle but also transforms the way your developers interact with and reuse code within your organization.

🤯 The CI/CD experience

❌ Without R2Devops:

In the pre-R2Devops era, developers often scoured various sources, from existing projects to the vast expanses of the internet, in search of code snippets and configurations. This scattered approach led to inconsistency, wasted time, and the risk of incorporating suboptimal solutions.

✅ With R2Devops:

Your developers experience a paradigm shift. Templates become the backbone of your inner source culture. Imagine a centralized catalog of pre-approved, company-specific templates that developers can easily access. The days of searching the internet or project repositories are over.

R2Devops and to be continuous: collaborating to improve Open-Source CI/CD!

· 3 min read

In the world of CI/CD, there is currently a notable absence of projects that facilitate the knowledge sharing and collaboration among developers. This often results in developers duplicating efforts and reinventing the wheel. To address this issue, initiatives like R2Devops and to be continuous have emerged. These projects promote collaboration and innovation within the open source community, aiming to improve the quality and reusability of code in the world of CI/CD. Let's take a closer look at those projects 👇

What are R2Devops & to be continuous?

Both R2Devops and to be continuous are open-source projects that aim to simplify the process of creating CI/CD pipelines for developers on GitLab.

The R2Devops platform offers a marketplace of open source CI/CD templates that are versioned & documented. This allows developers to quickly and easily access a range of pipeline templates, saving them time and effort in building and maintaining their own pipelines from scratch.

Screenshot of R2Devops marketplace

Discover R2Devops GitLab CI/CD Marketplace

· 3 min read

When it comes to implementing a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline, developers are often faced with a plethora of options. However, finding a reliable and effective solution can be a daunting task. That's where R2Devops comes in 🔥

What is R2Devops GitLab CI/CD Marketplace?

R2Devops is an open source community that provides a marketplace of ready-to-use CI/CD templates for GitLab. Our mission is to provide a collaborative space for developers to find, share and contribute to CI/CD templates. We propose the R2 standard which has the value of providing templates that are documented, versioned and configurable.

GIF of the R2Devops' Marketplace

How to migrate your CI/CD configuration with R2Devops?

· 6 min read

CI/CD is nowadays mandatory to ensure a good developer experience. It’s primordial to test your code, ensure security, package, build documentation, deploy…
Today, the challenge is to do all of this faster and faster, while maintaining a high standard of quality. Fortunately, R2Devops can simplify your CI/CD processes and ease the updates of your configuration.

Why should you use R2Devops for your CI/CD configuration?

As you probably know, configure a strong CI/CD pipeline requires a lot of knowledge, and you spend too much time doing it. Another negative point is that developers usually rewrite their code from a project to another because they don’t centralize their code.

R2Devops is a collaborative and open-source platform of CI/CD jobs, made by developers for developers. Using the platform, it’s the promise to save a considerable amount of time and avoid code duplication. You need only a few clicks to implement a powerful ready-to-go pipeline.In addition, R2Devops also has a strong community of DevOps developers that will help for every question you have about CI/CD.Let’s see how to use the hub to configure a strong pipeline 👇

Best advices to give a CI/CD beginner

· 5 min read

We gathered for you the tips and tricks from people already doing CI/CD. It’s all the advices they would have love to get when they begin their own journey, learned (sometimes) the hard way! 👏

Tips n°1: think your Git workflow strategy

It all starts here: your branch strategy will impact your CI/CD pipelines. You need to think of it before building your pipeline, in order to make sure it will be the more efficient possible!

You can find some good Git branch strategy on GitKraken. You can also use the tool to visualize all your branches for your projects!

Here is the GitHub flow we prefer and use at R2Devops:

Picture of the GitHub Flow

How to implement faster your CI/CD?

· 4 min read

CI/CD increases the frequency of application distribution through automation. Indeed, it automates the process at the application development stage. The main concepts related to the CI/CD approach are Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployment. CI/CD is a best practice for DevOps development. Today, many platforms exist to help you to set up your CI/CD pipeline. GitLab is one of them! Let’s see how this one works.

How to normally implement a CI/CD pipeline on GitLab?

Implementing a CI/CD pipeline can be scary if you don’t know where to start. Let’s see how you can implement it on GitLab!

The first step: define stages

In order to set up your pipeline, the first thing you need to do is to define the stages. They are really important in CI/CD because they define when a job will be executed.

A typical GitLab pipeline may consist of four steps, executed in the following order:

  1. Build
  2. Test
  3. Staging
  4. Production

Why using R2Devops’ official jobs?

· 4 min read

You probably already heard about CI/CD. If not, we recommend you to read those two articles about Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment.

As a reminder, a job is a set of instructions to perform actions on your project. Comining several jobs together is the key to create a powerful pipeline. We will explain to you why you should use R2Devop’s official jobs. 👇🏼

Guaranteed security with official jobs

On, you will find a library of CI/CD jobs, some are officials and some are published by the community. Official jobs are jobs written or reviewed by R2Devops’ technical team. The community ones are personal jobs put online by the community, without examination from us.

All our official jobs go through a strong security pipeline. We made it to ensure tthey are all safe to use in your pipelines! Here is a schema of our security pipeline, where you can retrieve all the steps:

Schema of R2Devops’ security pipeline

Why doing CI/CD?

· 4 min read

You are not sure if you should implement a CI/CD pipeline in your development project? We explain to you why indeed you should! Check all the benefits you can pull from Continuous Integration, Delivery and Deployment. 👇

Improve your code quality and processes

First things first: continuous integration, or CI. It’s the process to continuously have faith and control of the lifecycle of your code (I know, it’s quite obvious).

Continuous and safe integration of your code

The CI part of your pipeline is where you test your code to ensure its quality and safety. You can do different kinds of tests: static or dynamic! They can all be in the same stage of your pipeline, or you can create 2 stages and realize your static tests before the dynamic ones.

Plus, you can easily add linters, to ensure a certain level of quality in your code, and make sure all your team respects the same standards.

"What is it important to realize tests on your code?"

First, you ensure its quality. Then, you secure it, and finally, you make sure it won’t break the code already in production!

Obviously, you can do both things by hand, but it will take hours! With the rights jobs in your CI pipeline (for example: megalinter, python test, … ), it would be done automatically in a few minutes. ✌️