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Discover R2Devops GitLab CI/CD Marketplace

· 3 min read

When it comes to implementing a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline, developers are often faced with a plethora of options. However, finding a reliable and effective solution can be a daunting task. That's where R2Devops comes in 🔥

What is R2Devops GitLab CI/CD Marketplace?

R2Devops is an open source community that provides a marketplace of ready-to-use CI/CD templates for GitLab. Our mission is to provide a collaborative space for developers to find, share and contribute to CI/CD templates. We propose the R2 standard which has the value of providing templates that are documented, versioned and configurable.

GIF of the R2Devops' Marketplace

Why we created R2Devops?

One of the biggest CI/CD challenges for companies is that CI/CD is not reusable, not maintained, not observable. It is implemented on a project, then duplicated on another, it becomes unmanageable to maintain. Moreover, there are more and more projects, so it becomes exponential. R2Devops solves this problem by providing ready-to-use CI/CD templates following a quality standard (control, security) and can be easily reused.

Your Go-To Source for CI/CD Templates on GitLab

For DevOps people looking for a CI/CD template for GitLab, R2Devops IS the first place to look! We're building an open source catalog that is designed to bring the community together for better quality templates. Developers & operators can also contribute to our open source catalog, making it an ideal place for collaboration and community building.

Think of R2Devops as the GitHub Marketplace for GitHub actions, but running on GitLab. Our R2 standard offers a level of control and security that is not currently available on other platforms.

Looking to streamline your processes?

R2Devops is also the solution for companies looking to standardize and secure their CI/CD supply chain. By creating your private catalog, you can manage and share all your CI/CD resources in one place, using ready-to-use templates that align with your company's standards, following Inner Source principles.

To a platform-agnostic solution

At R2Devops, we aim to provide platform-agnostic solutions for managing CI/CD pipelines. We believe that challenges in reusable, maintainable, and observable pipelines are not limited to a single platform. Our goal is to create a collaborative community that transcends platform boundaries, bringing developers together for better quality jobs and fostering collaboration in the CI/CD space.

Join the movement!

In conclusion, R2Devops is an open source marketplace for GitLab CI/CD resources that offers a collaborative space for developers to find, share and contribute to CI/CD templates. R2Devops is also the solution for companies looking to standardize and secure their CI/CD supply chain, and for developers to find the right resources for their GitLab projects.
Join our community and contribute to our open source marketplace today!