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Why using R2Devops’ official jobs?

· 4 min read

You probably already heard about CI/CD. If not, we recommend you to read those two articles about Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment.

As a reminder, a job is a set of instructions to perform actions on your project. Comining several jobs together is the key to create a powerful pipeline. We will explain to you why you should use R2Devop’s official jobs. 👇🏼

Guaranteed security with official jobs

On, you will find a library of CI/CD jobs, some are officials and some are published by the community. Official jobs are jobs written or reviewed by R2Devops’ technical team. The community ones are personal jobs put online by the community, without examination from us.

All our official jobs go through a strong security pipeline. We made it to ensure tthey are all safe to use in your pipelines! Here is a schema of our security pipeline, where you can retrieve all the steps:

Schema of R2Devops’ security pipeline