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6 posts tagged with "Beginners"

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Never reinvent the wheel again in your CI/CD

· 3 min read
Aurélien Coget
CEO & Co-Founder of R2Devops


Tired of reinventing the wheel every time you start a new project? R2Devops not only puts an end to this tiresome cycle but also transforms the way your developers interact with and reuse code within your organization.

🤯 The CI/CD experience

❌ Without R2Devops:

In the pre-R2Devops era, developers often scoured various sources, from existing projects to the vast expanses of the internet, in search of code snippets and configurations. This scattered approach led to inconsistency, wasted time, and the risk of incorporating suboptimal solutions.

✅ With R2Devops:

Your developers experience a paradigm shift. Templates become the backbone of your inner source culture. Imagine a centralized catalog of pre-approved, company-specific templates that developers can easily access. The days of searching the internet or project repositories are over.

How to migrate your CI/CD configuration with R2Devops?

· 6 min read

CI/CD is nowadays mandatory to ensure a good developer experience. It’s primordial to test your code, ensure security, package, build documentation, deploy…
Today, the challenge is to do all of this faster and faster, while maintaining a high standard of quality. Fortunately, R2Devops can simplify your CI/CD processes and ease the updates of your configuration.

Why should you use R2Devops for your CI/CD configuration?

As you probably know, configure a strong CI/CD pipeline requires a lot of knowledge, and you spend too much time doing it. Another negative point is that developers usually rewrite their code from a project to another because they don’t centralize their code.

R2Devops is a collaborative and open-source platform of CI/CD jobs, made by developers for developers. Using the platform, it’s the promise to save a considerable amount of time and avoid code duplication. You need only a few clicks to implement a powerful ready-to-go pipeline.In addition, R2Devops also has a strong community of DevOps developers that will help for every question you have about CI/CD.Let’s see how to use the hub to configure a strong pipeline 👇

Best advices to give a CI/CD beginner

· 5 min read

We gathered for you the tips and tricks from people already doing CI/CD. It’s all the advices they would have love to get when they begin their own journey, learned (sometimes) the hard way! 👏

Tips n°1: think your Git workflow strategy

It all starts here: your branch strategy will impact your CI/CD pipelines. You need to think of it before building your pipeline, in order to make sure it will be the more efficient possible!

You can find some good Git branch strategy on GitKraken. You can also use the tool to visualize all your branches for your projects!

Here is the GitHub flow we prefer and use at R2Devops:

Picture of the GitHub Flow

How to implement faster your CI/CD?

· 4 min read

CI/CD increases the frequency of application distribution through automation. Indeed, it automates the process at the application development stage. The main concepts related to the CI/CD approach are Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployment. CI/CD is a best practice for DevOps development. Today, many platforms exist to help you to set up your CI/CD pipeline. GitLab is one of them! Let’s see how this one works.

How to normally implement a CI/CD pipeline on GitLab?

Implementing a CI/CD pipeline can be scary if you don’t know where to start. Let’s see how you can implement it on GitLab!

The first step: define stages

In order to set up your pipeline, the first thing you need to do is to define the stages. They are really important in CI/CD because they define when a job will be executed.

A typical GitLab pipeline may consist of four steps, executed in the following order:

  1. Build
  2. Test
  3. Staging
  4. Production

Start with React Hooks

· 6 min read

Hooks have arrived with React 16.8. They allow you to use state and other React features without having to write a class. How does it work exactly? Let's check together! 👇🏼

React hooks cheat sheet R2Devops

What are React hooks?

React is a JavaScript library, created by Facebook, used only for the "view" side of the Model View Controller or MVC. Therefore, it is different from other JavaScript frameworks like AngularJS or EmberJS, which are complete frameworks from this point of view. React (without hooks) allowed you to define your components with classes.

React hooks are functions that allow you to use all the functionalities of React classes in functional components. Each React hook’s name is prefixed with the word “use”. Thanks to them, we can develop a React application made only of functional components. Moreover, functional components using hooks are fully compatible with React classes.


If you want to switch to hooks on your application, you can do it without breaking it. These hooks allow you to replace the state and lifecycle methods of a React class. As they are not classes, the keyword 'this' has no more interest in your code.

You can see the difference between React class and React hooks just below. 👇🏼

Example of the same code written with React class or React hooks

Git commands used by R2Devops’ team

· 5 min read

Starting git commands

First of all, let’s have a look at some useful starting commands that you will need to begin your git project!

git config

This command allows you to get and set a repository or global options.


git config --global DarkVador

In this example, the command set the name that will be attached to your commits and tags.

git config --global

In the same way, the command sets the email that will be attached to your git account.