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R2Devops 1.14.2 release

R2Devops 1.14.2 released with New Analysis Dashboard

Docker images versions

  • Backend: v1.14.2
  • Frontend: v1.9.1

Fix your CI/CD Supply Chain, stay informed with real-time CI/CD tracking, detect CVEs and ensure pipelines compliance.


To get the most complete experience of R2Devops Dashboard, it's recommended to use compliant templates located in Innersource and Opensource R2Devops Marketplace


Get an overview of all CI/CD configuration across your organization.

Quickly identify security issues, outdated and unmaintainable resources

Gif of overview section of the Analysis Dashboard


Identify unmaintainable resources, outdated jobs and quickly fix them.

Gif of maintainability section of the Analysis Dashboard


Dynamically add pipeline label definitions to test projects labels composition.

Gif of compliance section of the Analysis Dashboard


The Security section is separated in multiple tabs, Variables / Secrets / Dependencies / Containers / Scripts


Quickly identify unmasked or unprotected variables use inside your CI/CD supply chain

Gif of variables security section of the Analysis Dashboard


Quickly identify secrets leaks inside your CI/CD supply chain

Gif of secrets security section of the Analysis Dashboard

Minor updates


R2Devops version 1.14.2 brings a totally new game changing way to maintain CI/CD across your organization, another step forward to make CI/CD accessible to everyone.