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R2Devops 1.20.1 Release

Docker Image Versions

  • Backend: v1.21.0
  • Frontend: v1.16.8

Chart Helm Version


🐳 Containers analysis

  • The new Containers tab in the Security section of the dashboard provides a comprehensive list of all containers used within your organization, including information about their associated tags.

Containers Analysis

🚀 One-Click Updates for Multiple Outdated Jobs

  • Experience the convenience of updating multiple outdated jobs in just one click. When a job referenced in the R2Devops Marketplace is outdated in multiple projects, this feature streamlines the process by creating a merge request for each project.

Update multiple outdated jobs

🔧 Minor Updates and Fixes

CI/CD Editor

  • Resolved auto-indentation issues when updating a job in one click.
  • Adjusted the display of stage and job groups for enhanced clarity.
  • Improved responsive design.

Sources Page

  • Replaced infinite scroll pagination with page pagination for improved clarity and performance.
  • Added the ability to view labels within the R2 file documentation section with a single click.
  • Included a link to the licenses list within the R2 file documentation section.

Projects Page

  • Replaced infinite scroll pagination with page pagination for improved clarity and performance.